Month: January 2016

The Clown Statue

Mira was babysitting her usual family with two kids when something strange happened. She loved her job, and especially enjoyed this family, because the kids were funny, smart, always listened to her when she talked, and also, she was paid very well. However, there was one thing which always creeped Mira out a little bit. That family’s parents enjoyed collecting clowns, and their entire basement was filled with them; there were clowns which had been collected and brought from countries from all over the world.

On this particular Saturday night, the two children’s parents had gone out for a dinner party, and she was sitting in the basement watching TV with the kids. At first, when walking into the basement room, she had been a little bit intimidated because of all the clowns, but eventually she had grown used to it. However, on this day, she had a very strange feeling that she was being watched. She could swear out of the corner of her eye that it was as if one of the clown’s eyes were following her wherever she went, but whenever she turned to look directly at it, the clown looked exactly like the last time she glanced at it.

Extremely unsettled, she asked the kids if they wanted to move upstairs.

“Hey, guys, do you want to move upstairs? I feel a bit cold.” She suggested.

“Mommy wants us to stay in this room.” One of the children replied, slowly.

At this, she had no choice but to stay in the room.

However, after an hour, she just couldn’t handle it. Little beads of clammy sweat formed on her hand as she glanced side to side nervously. At last, she decided to call their parents.

“Would it be okay if we just moved upstairs?” She whispered quietly into the phone.

“Why would you want to do that?” A voice replied slowly.

“Because, there is a clown which is really scaring me,” blushing in embarrassment as she said it.

“Why, which one is it?” The voice drawled, sounding mildly annoyed.

Quickly she described to the parent the clown sitting on the chair by the TV.

Slightly concerned, she replied “Are you sure?”

“Yes, very.” She affirmed.

“In that case, take the children and leave the house immediately.” The voice said, extremely concerned.

Confused, she hung up the phone, and gathered the children, and told them to get their stuff. As she put on her coat, and flicked the light switch off in the basement room, she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. Thoroughly creeped out, she quickly walked up the stairs, and grabbing the first two hands she felt, she closed the door, and left the house.

Just as she opened the door, and light shined onto the hand she grabbed, she screamed. She whipped around, and saw that it was the clown’s hand which she had grabbed, and it was moist with fresh blood. Then she saw the two children’s heads which the clown held in his other hand.

At that moment, the clown laughed, and ran off into the night.

Grandma’s Doll (Part 2)

The next day, after work, Bella walked home, and looking into her attic, the events of the night before creeped into her mind, and her mind began to fill with doubt and worry. But once more, she managed to convince herself that she was only being silly. Later as she crawled into her sleeping bag, something unsettling occurred to her: when she walked into the room, her doll was not where she left it yesterday.

How strange, she thought. Her tenants must have went into her room. After all, there family did have a small child named Lily. She made herself comfortable again, and became reassured at the thought. She closed the door to the attic room.

At that moment, a loud clunk rattled her room. Looking up, she saw the doll, right where she left it, perched on her window sill, except something was extremely wrong. It was as if her face had been twisted into an evil version. She screamed as she looked at the doll. The doll’s eyes were now painted a deep shade of crimson. The doll’s pretty locks of hair were now a jumbled mess, and her lips were stretched in a maniacal and freakish smile. And worse of all, it looked like her cheeks were splattered and stained with blood.

She closed her eyes, and touched her eyelids to ensure it wasn’t a dream. Then she opened them, and the doll was gone, just like before. It was just an overly vivid hallucination, she told herself over and over as her chest heaved from panting. Finally, she calmed down, and that was when she heard it.

The tone was soft and dry, and almost monotonous. She heard it more in her head than in her ears.

“Bella, I’m by your door.”

She jumped up at the sound. Before she could turn to look, she heard it again.

“Bella, I’m in the kitchen.”

“What was going on?” She thought. Was she really going crazy?

“Bella, I’m in the living room.”

This time, her heart began to pound. The voice was real, and there was no denying it. Beads of sweat formed on her brow as realization hit her. Her tenants were living in the living room!

“Bella, Lily’s parents are dead.” The voice grew angrier.

“Bella, I’m in Lily’s bed room.”

By now, tears were pouring out her eyes.

“Bella, Lily is dead.” The voice yelled angrily.

Her heart beat like a snare drum. Suddenly, there was a pause, before the voice appeared again.

“Bella, I’m by your room.” It snarled.

“Bella, I’m inside your room.”

As she turned, she saw the doll reappear. It’s face was directly above Bella’s and dripped with fresh blood.

Then, she heard, “Bella, you are dead.”

Grandma’s doll (Part 1)

It was just two days since Bella’s grandma had passed away, and it felt like everything had been stripped from her. Everyday, she felt as if she was walking through mud, and nothing went in her favor. Ever since both her parents had died in a brutal unsolved murder when she was only five, her grandma didn’t hesitate a second to accept and take care of her. Only now, after she was gone too, did she realize how fully she appreciated the love and care she received.

Teary eyed, she sat back up on her bed, and decided that she would go clean out her grandma’s house which she had inherited.

That day, after work, she drove to her grandma’s house, and planned to clean up the house so that she could begin renting it out.

As she walked into the attic room which she planned to stay in, she eyed the piles and piles of junk which her grandma had accumulated. Slowly, she rummaged threw the stuff, being sure not to throw anything useful or worth keeping. Just as she thought she was finished, she spotted a small, face down doll, lying in the corner of the room.

Reaching over, she grabbed the doll and picked it up. It had big, blue eyes, small braided locks of golden hair, and pink rosy cheeks.

“It’s beautiful.” She thought. Everything about the doll seemed to remind her exactly of her grandma’s features.

She decided to keep it, as a keepsake from her grandma, and put the doll down where it was, and left the house, satisfied with the work she had accomplished that day.

The next day, she finished work early, and went to her apartment to clean up her apartment to move. She had already found a tenant to live in her house, who was planning to move in on the same day as her. She drove to the house and greeted her new tenants as she set up her room. She decided that she would buy furniture later on, but would sleep on the floor that night.

She closed the door which ran into the attic room, and the room suddenly became pitch dark. She crawled into her small sleeping bag for the night, but just as she did so, she felt a strange breeze rustle the window curtains.

Strange, she thought. Maybe she had accidentally left the window open by accident? Looking over, she saw that the window was sealed tight.

“It must be just my imagination playing tricks”, she thought.

At that moment, she heard it again. But this time, the noise was accompanied by an even stranger sound. It was like a girl screaming or something. It sounded so quiet, but it the noise rung forever in her head.

Again, she dismissed the noise as a trick of the mind. She was exhausted, and soon fell asleep. It was all her head she thought.


The Man in the Elevator


As the creaky and old elevator doors slid open, Amanda strode in, and pushed the button for the 13th floor in her dingy, dilapidated apartment building. She had come home late from a long day at work, and was absolutely exhausted. Slowly, the elevator door slid open, and inside, was a man who wore a black mask covering his face and dark clothing. She stepped inside, and the elevator doors shut. With a creak and groan, she felt the elevator begin it’s slow ascent as jazz music crackled out of the poor overhead speakers.

Looking over, something extremely peculiar struck her. She thought it was very strange how the man was already waiting inside the elevator, and did not get off at the bottom floor. So the only possibility was that the man went down with the elevator, and was now going up again, which didn’t make any sense. In addition, she had never ever seen that man before, in the past four years which she had lived there.

Suddenly, a ding sounded in the elevator, signalling that it was the 14th floor. The man followed just behind her, until she walked into her apartment. Was it really a coincidence that the man just moved onto the same floor as her that day?

That night, she felt as if she was awake for hours before she finally fell asleep. Something about that man who was inside the elevator really bothered her, because she couldn’t figure out who he was.

The next day, she went to work, and once again, came home late. Anxiously, she pressed the button for the elevator, and waited. As the elevator doors opened, once again, the same man appeared, in the same clothing. She walked slowly through the door, and into the elevator. Turning, she noticed the black beady eyes through the man’s mask which seemed to stare directly at her. Gradually, she felt her hands break into a cold sweat as the man continued to stare at her. The elevator ride seemed to last forever, but finally the elevator music came to halt, the door opened, and she walked as fast as she could away from the man.

That night, no matter what she did, she could not fall asleep. She tossed and turned, and felt as if she was uncomfortable in every possible position. Finally, she gave up, threw her covers to the side, and got up. She decided to try something. She quickly got dressed, and went downstairs to the first floor by the emergency stair case which was situated on the right of the elevator. As soon as she arrived on the bottom floor, she pushed the elevator button.

At that moment, the door slid open, and inside, appeared the man, dressed in black from head to toe.

This time, fear completely swallowed her. Who was this man and what did she want with her? There was nothing she could do but step inside, she reasoned. If she walked away, surely he would do something. Trying to resist from showing emotion, she walked into the tiny elevator, and right away her forehead began to openly bead with sweat as her hands shook with terror.

The elevator doors closed.

Something was very not right, and the more she looked at the man, the more something about him felt strange to her. She turned away as much as she could, and tried to focus on anything else to calm herself down. Suddenly, the elevator stopped. She looked up to the display, and strangely enough, she noted they had stopped on the twelfth floor. Then, she realized that out of all her fear and confusion, she had forgot to even push for her floor. She pushed the fourteenth number, when at that moment, the man walked straight out of the elevator doors without even looking behind.

And just when relief almost overcame her, the man turned around.

This time, he ripped off his mask, and she instantly recognized him. A feeling of absolute and pure terror seized her as she stood there frozen, unable to move. It was one of her past lovers, who she had at one point openly humiliated in college. He gripped a large knife in his knuckles, and had a horrific, maniacal smile painted on his face. Suddenly he charged for her, but knew that he would not make it to her before the doors closed, and Amanda caught a glimpse of him heading for the stairs as the doors slid closed, sealing her fate.

Sheer, absolute panic overtook her. Slowly, the elevator gave a heave, and jazz music crackled in the old speakers. Horror shaped her face as she frantically jabbed at all the buttons, and jumped up and down in the elevator, but nothing worked. Suddenly, the music came to a pause, and she felt as the elevator came to a stop. Tears streamed down her face as the elevator door opened, and the man who stood already waiting for her laughed while raising his knife, and brought it down through her chest.


Bloody Mary

The three girls chattered with each other, utterly bored on the hot and humid summer day. They had decided that it was much too sunny to go outside, and had resorted to playing truth or dare in one of the girls’ bedroom.

“Your turn, Annie.” One of them said.

“Okay, I chose dare.”

“Good. I dare you, to do the Bloody Mary thing.”

“What’s that?” She asked innocently.

“Oh come on, you know exactly what it is. Go into the bathroom with a candle and turn the lights off, flush the toilet and look into the mirror while chanting Bloody Mary.”

“Why the heck would I want to do that!?” She exclaimed.

“Because it is said that if it is done right, you will summon the ghost of Bloody Mary, who can tell you your future.”

“Alright, I’ll do it.” She said after some thought.

Slowly, she walked down to the bathroom in the basement downstairs, with her two friends following closely behind her.

Closing the door behind her, she flicked off the lights in the bathroom, and flushed the toilet. Then, she looked into the mirror and began chanting. She chanted once, than twice, than three times. Nothing happened.

“Oh, this is dumb.” She thought as she walked over to the door.

She tried to turn the doorknob, but it didn’t turn. Something wasn’t right. She swore that she had left it open when she entered the bathroom.

Panic slowly rose upon her. She rattled the door knob as hard as she could, but it wouldn’t budge.

“Guys, this isn’t funny!” She screamed at her friends outside as she pounded helplessly on the door.

Then she felt it. A thick, warm liquid wrapped around her bare ankles. Horrified, she turned around and watched as steaming, dark blood streamed out of the bathtub tap and overflowed over the side.


Suddenly, she felt a very strange breeze of wind. Then her candle went out.

“You shouldn’t have bothered me today.” A dry, hollow voice drawled.

Before she could even move, two gnarly, wrinkled hands squeezed her eyes. Excruciating pain tore through her face as her eyeballs were ripped off her face. Then, Bloody Mary gripped her throat, and squeezed, until she stopped struggling, and she grew limp.

Learn more about the original story and legend of Bloody Mary here